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Otter PAWS

Our staff has created Otter PAWS (Positively Affecting our World) tickets.  All staff at Twin Lakes will have Otter PAW tickets to hand out.  Our staff will be passing out these tickets to students that show kindness, leadership, respect, Otter Pride, honesty, good work habits, citizenship, sportsmanship, responsibility, compassion, integrity, and cooperation, just to name a few. The Otter PAW can come from any staff member in the building.

Students that receive an Otter PAW will bring home the PAW part of the ticket stating how they earned their PAW.  The other half of the ticket will be stored in the classroom and can be used to “purchase” different grade level rewards. (Examples may include: trip to the candy jar, pick a book of their choice, lunch with the teacher or principal, wear a hat day, a homework pass, etc.)

Grade level teams will also be asked to display, in their hallway, academic success stories or actual work of students that meet their guidelines or expectations. This will be a visual for students to see and take pride in.

I will still be asking staff to send me students that deserve a principal card from me as another form of recognition.  This has always been a student favorite to visit with me on an accomplishment that was recognized by their teacher or specialist and to get a personalized principal card to bring home.