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Outside Recess Procedures

Outdoor Play

Children will go outside for noon recess in suitable weather.  Please help your child(ren) with appropriate dress for outside.  This includes boots, scarves, jackets, mittens/gloves, and other clothing that is suitable to the season and the weather for that particular day.

Our general guideline for inside recess during the winter is zero degree temperature or 10 degrees below zero wind chill.  Weather conditions will vary from building to building and sometimes from one minute to the next, therefore, the building principal (or designee) will ultimately be responsible for determining outside or inside recess.

Accommodations for children with special medical needs can be made with the Health Services Personnel. Written documentation from your child’s physician may be required. 

Clothing Guidelines for Recess and Dismissal

Do we HAVE to wear a coat?

“Feels like” temperature…not the “actual temperature”

  • Winter Coat, Hat & Mittens/Gloves: 40 degrees or below
  • Light-weight Coat or Sweatshirt: 40 - 60 degrees
  • Short-sleeved Shirts: 60 degrees or above