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Frequently Asked Questions

What is a referral meeting?

This is a meeting to discuss concerns that you and/or your child’s teacher may be having regarding your child’s education.  This meeting is held to make a decision about the next step to take to help your child succeed academically.  It will take 20 minutes or less.

Why was my child referred for a special education evaluation?

Your child was identified as a student who may need extra academic or behavioral support by their teacher, parent, or other staff member.

Who will be at the referral meeting?

The referral team will be present, and may be overwhelming as it includes many staff members who may be involved in the assessment process.  These team members include an administrator, classroom teacher, special education teacher, school psychologist, social worker, and speech/language pathologist.

What should I expect at the referral meeting?

 You should expect classroom feedback including examples of your child’s work, and questions from team members regarding developmental history.  If your child has an outside diagnosis related to their health, emotions or behaviors, please bring that information to the team.  Team members will be taking notes in order to use the information in the evaluation report.  Feel free to ask questions to the team members also.  This is a time where everyone’s input is important. 

What happens next?

If the team decides to begin the evaluation, a packet of information will be sent home to you listing the tests that will be used.  Your signature is required to begin testing.  The team has 30 school days to complete the assessment, at which time you will be contacted for an evaluation results meeting.  At the results meeting, the team will come together to discuss whether or not your child qualifies to receive services based on the results of the testing.  You will also discuss what services are available to your child.